The Neck

We specialize in massages used to improve conditions associated with pinched nerves, muscle strain, headaches, and restricted range of motion. Our therapies restore alignment, decompress nerves, and provide stiffness relief using techniques tailored to your needs.

Our customized bodywork targets common conditions like:

General Neck Pain

We use trigger point therapy and myofascial release to systematically relieve neck muscle tightness and spasms that contribute to discomfort.


Forward Head Posture

We restore proper neck alignment and flexibility through massage that releases overworked muscles pulling your head forward. 


Pinched Nerves

Our specialized therapy increases circulation and reduces inflammation around impinged nerves to alleviate radiating neck and arm pain.


Whiplash Injuries

We gently work to preserve your neck’s range of motion and prevent long-term damage from auto accident injuries.


Degenerative Conditions

Increased circulation from massage brings fresh blood flow to degenerating structures like cervical discs. This may help provide relief and healing.


 Our skilled therapists will tailor a massage plan to focus on your specific neck needs for fast relief. Contact us today to improve neck mobility and get lasting tension relief!


other commonly worked areas


Ready to begin your journey to an active pain-free life?

