Our hip-focused massage alleviates muscle tightness, sciatica, bursitis, mobility restrictions and pain using various corrective techniques.  Targeting irritated nerves, inflammation, muscle imbalances, and other hip conditions.


Massage therapy focuses on alleviating compression and inflammation of the sciatic nerve as it runs from the lower back, through the hip, and down the leg.


Piriformis syndrome

Direct massage of the piriformis muscle can release spasms and compression that contribute to sciatic nerve pain and numbness through the hip.


IT band tightness

Working on the TFL muscle at the side of the hip can help lengthen and loosen this thick connective tissue to reduce external hip and knee pain. 


Trochanteric bursitis

Myofascial massage can help reduce inflammation of the bursa sac cushioning the greater trochanter of the femur to decrease pain at the outer hip. 


other commonly worked areas


Ready to begin your journey to an active pain-free life?




The Neck