Our massage therapy addresses common back problems like lower back pain, sciatica, muscular tightness, poor posture, and more. Techniques like myofascial release, deep tissue, and neuromuscular therapy provide back pain relief while increasing mobility.


Low back pain

Massage can target tightness and spasms in the low back muscles, releasing strain on the lumbar spine to alleviate pain and mobility issues.



Sciatic nerve compression stemming from the lower back and radiating down the leg is relieved through massage reducing inflammation and releasing muscles impinging the nerve.



Though not a treatment for the spinal curvature itself, massage can address related muscular tightness and postural imbalances from scoliosis.


Herniated discs

Gentle techniques improve circulation to herniated or bulging discs, providing oxygen and nutrients to heal and reduce pressure on compressed nerves.



Massage warms and lengthens spasmed, overworked back muscles and gently mobilizes joints after sprain injuries.


Poor posture

Hunched forward shoulders, excessive kyphosis, and rounded low back responds well to posture-correcting massage.


Degenerative conditions

Specific massage approaches can generate circulation to degenerating, arthritic, and inflamed spinal tissues to improve mobility and comfort.


other commonly worked areas


Ready to begin your journey to an active pain-free life?



